Reggio Emilia will host the third project event: on 17, 18 and 19 April, the Municipality of Reggio Emilia will organize the meeting of project partners (PMG) and the thematic training on education. All project partners will attend the PMG having the opportunity to discuss together the main activities of 2018 related to management, communication and the exchange of experiences at interregional level, including the results of the first monitoring session that all partners have realized to know the mobility habits of the students in the home-school trips. The plan of the study visits -that will be organized between February and October by the project partners to deepen the good practices identified- will be defined.
The thematic training will instead focus on education and will be an important moment in which the project partners, together with their local stakeholders, will increase their knowledge and discuss the topic of mobility education with the speeches of some experts and interactive practical sessions.