On the 13th of October from 10.00 to 12.00, the 8th Project Management Meeting of School Chance Project will take place online, with the aim of sharing the progress of the last semester, as well as the overall results achieved by the School Chance project during the 5 years of implementation.

Moreover, the meeting will be the opportunity to introduce the new project extension and discuss the work plan for the next year of activities. 

The agenda of the project meeting is available below.

Zoom link: zoom.us/j/86289107918

The first part of the meeting (PMG 8):

  • Share results of the School Chance project (Phase 1 and 2: 2017/2021)
  • Project management
  • Project closure

The second part of the meeting (PMG 9 - related to the extension):

  • Introduce the new project extension
  • Activity plan
  • Exchange of experience
  • New good practices
  • Final Report