The official kick-off meeting of the SET-UP project was held in Rennes On April 19th and 20th 2016. As coordinating partner of the consortium, Bretagne Développement Innovation and the Bretagne Region invited all project partners to this two-day-meeting at the headquarters of the Regional Council of Bretagne.
The primary objective of the meeting was for all partners to get to know each other in order to create the right conditions to work together for the next 5 years. Thanks to BDI's experience in the organization of participatory and collaborative meetings, we used some creativity techniques and methodologies that helped us learn to work together in order to reach the project's objectives and make the most out of SET-UP.
The first day was also dedicated to an overview of the work plan, project objectives and tasks. Our advisory parter, REGEN SW from UK, also took the opportunity to provide insights on the three main subthemes (economic models, financial sources and consumer engagement), thus introducing the organization of the thematic analysis.
On day 2, all partners took part in the study visit of the KERGRID building in Vannes, hosted by SDEM, the energy distributor of the Morbihan Department. KERGRID is the first demonstrator prototype in France of a smart grid-ready office building controlled by an energy management system, with electrical energy storage system (EESS) and links to renewable electricity generation plants.
The meeting ended with a walk around the Breton city of Vannes.