The kick-off meeting of partners will take place on 22 Feb. in Spoleto, Umbria. On 23 Feb. the partners will meet with municipal and regional stakeholders from Umbria for a daylong study visit and interregional exchange. On 24 Feb. the study visit and interregional exchange will continue in the city of Terni, Umbria.


Wednesday, 22 February
Welcome to project partners and start-up of meeting: Sviluppumbria
Self-presentation of partners: All Partners
Brief presentation of the overall project budget: Sviluppumbria
Procedures to implement the project, narrative reporting, outputs and deliverables: Sviluppumbria
Project Communication Plan, website structure and informative materials: Sviluppumbria

Thursday, 23 February    
Procedures to correctly managing its own budget, financial reporting, respecting of expenses flows and periods: Sviluppumbria
Interregional Exchange Meeting. Moderator: Andy Fryers
Methods, approaches and models to implement the project.
Description of each policy instrument concerned by the project: University of Greenwich, All Partners
Partners’ policies: All partners
Partnership debate on the local and regional policies on urban development, cultural and natural heritage, ICT applications: All Partners
Opening address through Skype meeting with the JS: All Partners
Partnership debate on the local and regional policies on urban development, cultural and natural heritage, ICT applications: All Partners

Study visit: a walk around sites in Spoleto covered by Urban Agenda, led by experts from the city government.