With funding and support from Interreg Europe Smart HyAware, Opportunity North East and Scottish Enterprise, Aberdeen City Council is working with public and private sector organisations (Aberdeenshire Council, Angus Council, Highland Council, Moray Council, NatureScot, North East Scotland College, NHS Grampian, Robert Gordon University, Royal Mail, Scottish Water and Scottish Environmental Protection Agency) to develop fleet procurement strategies and infrastructure plans to identify how hydrogen could help decarbonise our fleets.
Cenex was appointed to undertake a fleet review to establish operational requirements for replacement of diesel vehicles and possible demand for hydrogen across the region. The analysis of the combined vehicle fleet of over 4,000 vehicles shows that 89% of the fleet is compatible with zero emission solutions (EV and hydrogen solutions considered). Whilst this analysis established that Battery EVs could look to address 57% of the fleet, it revealed that hydrogen solutions could be used for the entire fleet, with a subset of 32% that could only be addressed through hydrogen. This would then result in an annual demand for hydrogen of 745 tonnes, 92% of which would come from heavy duty vehicles. This further demonstrates the opportunity that the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub offers the region for collating demand to kickstart a hydrogen economy.
The full report is available in our library.