The following SmartPilots documents are downloadable from this webpage:
The SmartPilots Report: SmartPilots Factsheets and Customer Survey / Financial Instruments for Shared Pilots Facilities (SPF):
During seven study visits and five interregional seminars, the SmartPilots project partners made a profound analysis of the different regional policies with respect to:
• Funding instruments for direct support for shared pilot facilities (see annex, factsheets on direct support)
• Funding instruments for indirect support i.e. direct support for users of shared pilot facilities (see annex, factsheets on indirect support)
• Funding instruments for interregional cooperation (see annex, factsheets on interregional cooperation)
This analysis resulted in a list of regional best practices and gaps.
The SmartPilots project also performed a 'Users Experience and Expectations Survey' with the aim to collect information for thorough analysis of the availability and use of funding mechanisms for USERS of Shared Pilot Facilities for the bio-economy.
The above-mentioned actions were reported in a document entitled: 'SmartPilots Factsheets and Customer Survey - Financial Instruments for Shared Pilots Facilities (SPF)'. In this document you can find, besides other relevant information, the following: