The SmartPilots project released its action plans today. They can be found on the SmartPilots website under the tab 'Action Plans'.

The SmartPilots project released its action plans today. They can be found on the SmartPilots website under the tab 'Action Plans'.
SmartPilots Panel Member at Pilots4U Final Event
The SmartPilots consortium released a video today explaining its policy recommendations wrt support of shared pilot facilities and their users.
Katrien Molders (SmartPilots Coordinator) and Raimo vander Linden (SmartPilots Partner) were invited to share the SmartPilots Policy Recommendations
SmartPilots Coordinator Brecht Vanlerberghe invited to present a SmartPilots Good Practice at a lunchtime briefing organised at the Committee of the Regions
INTERREG Europe released today a policy brief entitled: 'Towards synergies between S3P-Industry and Interreg Europe projects'
... in the newly released Pilots4U video!
This database gathers all European Open Access Pilot and Demonstration Infrastructures
On 11 April, SmartPilots attended an Interreg EU projects / S3 Platform event for Industrial Modernisation in Rovaniemi (FI).
The SmartPilots project released its action plans today. They can be found on the SmartPilots website under the tab 'Action Plans'.
S34Growth partners and stakeholders meet at SmartPilots coordinator facilities