In the framework of the SMART WASTE project, ACR+ is organising an action for the 13th edition of the EWWR: A Clean-up action to Donate, Reuse, Repair, Composting, Recycle and Reduce

During the European Week for Waste Reduction 2021, the ACR+ team organizes an Autumn clean-up at its premises. The clean-up will be organized in 6 main activities:


Gather the unused items stored in the office (screens, keyboards, mouses, chairs, tables, cables, etc.) and share them within the members of the staff to increase the quality of the home-working conditions. The items left will be donated to local solidarity associations (Oxfam, ReSources, etc.);


Set a location for a box gathering all the singled sided paper in good condition that can be kept and used as scrap paper by the staff. Put any unneeded stationery items (i.e. folders, paper clips, rubber bands, packaging etc) in the stationery cupboard so they can be reused, before taking a new one.


It will be promoted the repairing of old items by taking contacts with professional repair cafés or by the personal effort of the members of the staff.


The composting bin of the office will be filled with food waste every week.


The communication material, mainly leaflets and posters, stored in the years related to old projects will be recycled. The team will take care to weight the amount of paper recycled. Each office will have a labelled box for collecting the recyclable paper, while the plastic will be gathered on a box in the common kitchen.


The team will set a list of rules to follow to reduce the production of waste and to make the office as sustainable as possible. This list will be shared with the other organisations of the building:

  • check the old technological items before buying new ones.
  • unplug the workstation before leaving the office.
  • Turn off the heating systems when leaving the office
  • Buy products such as sugar, tea, salt, olive oil, coffee in bulk.
  • Collect reusable containers that could be used by everyone for theirs take-away lunch/ bring glass containers from home and use them when going out for the take-away lunch.
  • Set a place where employees can attach their ideas for making the office more eco-friendly (do not use post-its but old paper sheets)

Due to the recent measures and recommendations issued by the Belgian Government, the activity will be organized in small teams (based on office occupancy) to reduce contact among the members of the staff. Each clean-up will take place from 14h to 17h, on separate days.

Each small team will receive a checklist with a set of suggested actions to perform. Each activity will have an indicator to register and monitor that will be needed to finally count the results of the action, in terms of paper recycled, items donated, etc.

The action on the EWWR website:

Photo by Erda Estremera on Unsplash