Since last summer, the partners are busy implementing their Action Plan to bring transformation at local level. Where do they currently stand? Are there already some visible improvements? BAMEE tells us more about the changes that started to appear in Bulgaria following the Smartwaste Action Plan.

Can you summarize your Action Plan in one or two sentences?

The purpose of this Action Plan is to provide a framework for introduction of innovative approaches in waste management system in the Policy Instrument addressed ‐ Operational programme Environment (OPE), Priority Axis 2 – Waste. The innovation is seen in development of demonstration projects for re-use and recycling of municipal waste.


What have you already implemented?

Already in Phase 1 of Smart Waste project demonstration projects of three municipalities - Petrich, Etropole and Pirdop have been approved by the OP Environment. During Phase 2 main focus is monitoring of the approved projects and implementation of effective and engaging communication campaign to enable the re-use and reciclyng centers to function properly.


Do you already have some first evaluation? How are the changes brought by the Action Plan welcomed by the local actors?

The three demonstration projects are in implementation phase. As part of the Action Plan activities BAMEE has organised already two National events bringing together Ministry of Environment and Managing Authority representatives and Municipalities from all over Bulgaria. Main topics are innovation in waste management systems, latest developments of strategic documents on waste and circular economy and how to communicate and engage citizens and business in the this process. Without proper information and awareness campaigns among citizens the efforts to set-up innovative waste management systems and clean waste streams would fail.


The project is finishing in a few months, do you already know if you will follow-up on the Action Plan? How?

The Bulgarian Association of Municipal Environmental Experts(BAMEE) has more than 170 members – mainly Municipalities in Bulgaria. It will continue to promote international relationships, activation and involvement of its members in innovative waste management and circular economy investment and research projects. A pipeline of projects has been developed already and others are on their way.