15.11.2017 – Day 1
08:10 Pick up of workshop participants in front of the hotel Mercure at Wittenbergplatz. Wittenbergplatz 3. 10789 Berlin
08:30 Travel to Workshop Venue in Lehnin, Brandenburg
10:00 Welcome&Introduction
10:30 Dr. Tim Leibert . Researcher at Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography. Title of presentation: “Demographic developments and migration in rural Europe and Eastern Germany.”
Melinda Mihály. PhD Candidate / RegPol² Project, Social Impact gGmbH. Title of presentation: “Local development through community-based projects – potential and shortcomings”.
12:00 Break
12:10 Open discussion on demographic change: What are the causes for demographic change.
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Groupwork Building 4 internationally mixed teams; Each team has a country specific focus; the country representative in each group gives information on the status quo, the causes of demographic change in the region and the policy(ies) that have been implemented; the team identifies the success and failure factors for policies on a regional and international level.
16:30 Break
16:45 Sharing I First team shares their insights in the plenary; the findings are mapped/visualized.
17:30 Check-out Final “how was the day“ round
Joint Dinner at the premises.
16.11.2017 – Day 2
10:00 Site visit Visiting the DORV-ZentrumSeddin in Brandenburg (http://www.dorv-club-seddin.de/de/verein.html); Lunch on-site
13:00 Travelling
14:00 Sharing II Team shares their insights in the plenary; the findings are mapped/visualized. Plenary
14:45 Break
15:00 Sharing III Team shares their insights in the plenary; the findings are mapped/visualized. Plenary
15:45 Break
16:00 Sharing IV Team shares their insights in the plenary; the findings are mapped/visualized. Plenary
16:45 Conclusion Analysing of the factors/findings; major insights, takeaways; next steps. Plenary
17:45 Wrap-up Plenary
18:00 Travelling to Berlin
19.30 Joint Dinner