Tuesday, May 11. 10.00 a.m.

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The event will have simultaneous translation (Spanish-English, English-Spanish)

Event schedule

(Moderator of the event. Roberto Ortega. Project Communication Manager).

10.00 Opening and Welcome. Social entrepreneurship in Sparsely Populated Areas

10.00 Joaquín Alcalde. Cives Mundi Executive Director and hosting organitation.

10.10. Juan Pablo Izquierdo. General director of Social Economy of the Junta of Castile and Leon (regional government).

10.20. Ilaria Ramaglioni. Interreg Europe Programme. State of play of the interregional cooperation.

10.30-10.45. Break.

10.45. How did we get here? Project overview and main results in each region during the implementation process. Problems and challenges for innovation and social entrepreneurship in sparsely populated areas.

10.45-11.00. Junta of Castile and Leon (regional government).

11.00-11.15. Brandemburg.

11.15-11.30. Lapland.

11-30-11.45. Gemer región.

11.45. SOCENT SPAs Action Plans Implementation. Present and Future of the Regional action Plans . How each region has improved its regional policies to support social entrepreneurship in sparsely populated areas.

11.45-12.00. Junta of Castile and Leon (regional government).

12.00-12.15. Brandemburg.

12.15-12.30. Lapland.

12-30-12.45. Gemer región.

12-45-13.00. Clousure of the event (Roberto Ortega).