EaSI-PROGRESS: Call for proposals on social innovation and national reforms - Access to Social Protection and National Reform Support (call reference VP/2018/003 - deadline 15 May 2018).
Purpose of the call
This call for proposals aims to support governmental and non-governmental actors, and social partners in delivering on the rights and principles set out in the Pillar of Social Rights through social innovation and national policy reforms as regards reconciling work and private life, promoting access to social protection and developing adequate social protection systems.
Lot "Access to social protection" should fund activities that test, develop and implement innovative actions to facilitate the access to individual information on social protection entitlements, with the purpose of facilitating labour market transitions and enabling people to manage their careers better.
Lot "National reform support" will support national authorities in preparing policy reforms to ensure access to adequate rights in social protection regardless the form of employment, as envisaged by the Pillar of Social Rights. Forward-looking, evidence-based reforms are called for to modernise social protection systems and enable them to face challenges such as digitalisation and changing world of work, ageing of population and the capacity of welfare states to absorb economic shocks.
to facilitate access to individualised information about social protection rights and entitlements;
to facilitate professional and geographical mobility of the economically active population;
to support the modernisation of social protection systems enabling them to respond to such challenges as digitalisation, the changing world of work, ageing of population and the capacity to withstand economic shocks.
For both lots, compulsory activities to be included in the application are:
- a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation plan of the intervention including a clear and fully developed methodology identifying relevant results and outcome indicators; that shall include:
outcome evaluation addressing results that can be attributed to the project, as well as the extent to which the project has satisfied its objectives.
process evaluation addressing how the project was conducted in terms of consistency and design with the stated plan of action and the effectiveness of the various activities within the plan in accordance with the policy relevance.
- the organisation of at least one coordination meeting with all members of the consortium;
- a detailed dissemination plan to promote at EU level the results of the action, including a dissemination event.
Lot "Access to social protection"
Activities to be funded under this Lot should test, develop and implement innovative actions to facilitate the access to information on social protection entitlements for people with diverse careers and employment statuses throughout their working life.
Lot "National reform support"
Activities to be funded under this Lot should support preparation of national reforms in the area of social protection, such as improving access for people in non-standard work or self-employment, modelling reforms needs and developing integrated pension systems aimed at providing adequate income replacement in retirement.
Expected results
Lot "Access to social protection"
developing and launching online tools helping people to obtain individualised information on their entitlements to social protection benefits and services; or
developing, establishing and launching the pilot stage of a cross-border tracking service for pensions, covering at least five Member States and offering functionality that allows users to find their former pension fund, and prepared a detailed technical proposal for the full roll-out of the tracking service; or
developing and launhing other innovative actions to improve awareness of social protection entitlements throughout the working life.
Lot "National reform support"
developing or adapting existing modelling tools to model social protection needs and support evidence-based reforms; or
developing reform concepts with a view to modernising social protection systems.