The Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth (ACIG) is an action-oriented platform bringing together civil society organisations and policymakers to discuss how to achieve truly inclusive growth.
The 2018 ACIG will take place on 27 Apri in Brussels and will focus on "The European Pillar of Social Rights: on the road to implementation" and will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, presentations of best practices and workshops.
These are the 6 parallel workshops that will be organised:
How can EU funding support the implementation of the Pillar at national and EU levels
"No one left behind": how can the Sustainable Development Goals ensure an inclusive implementation of the Pillar?
Implementing the Pillar through the European Semester
Adult learning and skills: a key contribution to the Pillar
The enabling and supporting role of social services
Social economy and social enterprises: a boost for the implementation of the Pillar?