Registration for the 16th edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC) has opened. Organised by DG Regio and the Committee of the Regions, it is a major event for regional and local authorities and experts and a great opportunity to exchange good practices and network.
Happening from the 8th of October 2018 to the 11th, it brings together European agencies, DGs, Regional and local authorities and many stakeholders and shows how Regions and Cities are an employment incubator in the European Union. 600 speakers and more than 150 sessions will give rhythm to these four days and show how important regional and local scale is important in the implementation of the EU policies and most of all for the Europeans citizens.
While the EU is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Cohesion Policy, major European policy promoting territorial cooperation for the economic development, many aspects will be tackled by the many regions: Sustainable development, Social Innovation, Health Innovation, Interregional cooperation, circular economy and many more.
The headline will be the future of the Cohesion Policy beyond 2020 as the future Multiannual Financial Framework for the 2021-2027 period is being discussed and the European Parliamentary Elections are coming up in 2019.
Either you are a regional or local actor, a student, a European policy maker, politician or working in a private company, don’t miss this great opportunity to learn more about Social Innovation and Impact in the EU and register for the Open Days. Registration is open until the 28th of September 2018.
For further information, click here