The European Week of Regions and Cities will invade Brussels from the 8th to the 12th of October with more of 100 sessions.
Emilia Romagna Region will host on the 11th of October from 9.30 to 13.00 on Social Innovation. It is organised by the regional partnership between Emilia Romagna region, Catalonia, Podkarpackie, Navarra, Middle Black Sea, Bielsko-Biala, South Bohemia, Kainuu, Kranj and Weser Ems.
These Europeans regions are all well known to be proactive in the matter of Social Innovation in their territory. Moreover, many partners from the Social SEEDS will take part in this session and share their expertise with representatives from the EU, European regions and cities.
The aim of the session is to promote greater exchange of knowledge on social and circular economy between territorial actors. The session will identify challenges faced by regional and local authorities within the European Union on the matter of Social Innovation such as the integration of migrants, better mobility, women empowerment and sustainable development and explore potential policy change with policy makers at EU level.
As the Cohesion Policy is the most important European policy, it is really important for the regions’ authorities and municipalities to sit down with policy makers to talk about challenges and potential
4 roundtables will set the session after a presentation of the Social Challenges Innovation Platform by the European Commission representatives.
We will start with a panel focused on the ecosystem for Social Innovation, following by a roundtable concerning Finance channels for social innovation. Experts will continue with a roundtable on access to market and internationalisation. The session will end with a skills and competences development panel before conclusions by key-note speakers. You will hear public authorities sharing about regional experience as well as social entrepreneur presenting their SMEs.
Don’t forger to register here !