Call reference: VP/2019/017 - Incubators (business support organisations) for inclusive and social entrepreneurship


  • EU financial support to micro-enterprises and social enterprises
  • Supplementing financial support with non-financial support
  • Mobilising mainstream incubators (business support organisations) to address social and inclusive entrepreneurship


This call aims at mobilising existing network(s) of mainstream business incubators to expand their outreach to inclusive and social entrepreneurship. To achieve this, the supported action shall draw from the experience of support organisations and networks already targeting social entrepreneurs and (potential) entrepreneurs from under-represented groups. Optimally, this will be combined with support for scaling and replication of social enterprise and social innovation business ideas through dissemination of knowledge and understanding of potential market opportunities in other territories. This type of knowledge transfer can be ensured by involving pertinent partners as co-applicants and/or by qualified experts directly involved in the project implementation.


Proposals must be centred around activities promoting the concepts “inclusive and social entrepreneurship” amongst all individual member organisations of the network or the consortium of networks. Activities shall notably focus on transferring knowledge and building capacities amongst the member organisations, so that they will be well equipped to work with the (potential) entrepreneurs in these fields.

Expected results

The funded action is expected to mobilise as many individual member incubators of the network(s) as possible to integrate inclusive and social entrepreneurship systematically in their service offer and consequently to better address the relevant target groups (including social entrepreneurs) in their own territory.
In addition to this direct mobilisation of member incubators, the action is expected to have a lasting spill-over effect in terms of wider attention paid to the issues of inclusive and social entrepreneurship in the countries directly involved and possibly beyond these countries.


  • The total budget earmarked for the EU co-financing of projects under this call is estimated at 1 300 000 EUR.
  • The EU grant requested should indicatively be between EUR 1 000 000 and EUR 1 300 000.
  • The Commission expects to fund 1 proposal.
  • EU co-financing up to 80 %.


Extended until the 25th of May 2020

More information

such as detailed call documents can be found here.