The partners of the Start Easy project, in cooperation with the Interreg project GRESS and their partners, organised a workshop entitled: Smart policy making to boost startup activity and competitiveness in Europe, in the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities.

The workshop, held on Wednesday 14th of Otober, focused on the exchange of ideas, identification of common challenges and getting updates on policy developments with the objective of improving policy making and delivering smart tools to enable a conductive environment to boost startups and competitiveness in a sustainable Europe.

The first session of the workshop focused on how to improve policy-making for enhancing a conducive environment for startup creation and for delivering efficient startup promotion instruments. Concrete European projects aiming at improving policy making and delivering smart tools to improve startups and SMEs competitiveness, such us the Start Easy and the GRESS project, were presented and discussed with Ms. Nuria Pastor, a young entrepreneur who created a Remote health telemonitoring platform (humanITcare), and who provided a first-hand testimonial on the specific needs and challenges encountered by startups.

The workshop then split into 4 round tables to discuss on the specific policies and smart tools to support startups according to their sector of activity. The participants discussed policies and smart tools on financing, regulation and proactive public and support services for the startups, divided by subtopics and economic sectors:

(1) Green economy- drivers and challenges, which was moderated and facilitated by the Metropolitan City of Bologna.

 (2) Digital and tech, which was moderated and facilitated by the Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO).

(3) Health, well-being and life sciences industries, which was moderated and facilitated by Biocat, and counted with the participation of Ms. Anaïs Le Corvec, Network Manager, Council of European BioRegions (CEBR).

4) New innovative business solutions in a future green and circular Europe, which was moderated and facilitated by Cleantech Bulgaria Foundation.

The workshop was officially opened by Mr. Joan Romero, CEO of the Agency for Business Competitiveness (ACCIÓ). Ms. Critina Pruñonosa, Director of the Business Management Office at the Government of Catalonia, did the closing speech.