Over 1.6 million 'circular' jobs were estimated in pre-Covid Italy, exactly 1,672,310 according to the latest Unioncamere-Anpal forecasts, updated to February 2020. In order to assess the possible future of green employment in Italy, Legambiente and Green Factor, as part of the Ecco project (Circular Economies of Community), have focused in their analysis on 55 professional figures and submitted a questionnaire to a selected group of actors in the circular economy, to test the degree of confidence in a possible recovery based on sustainable development.
In 2019, 78.8% of Italian companies required green skills, not only from those with a university degree (83.1%), but also from new graduates (78.1%) and those entering the world of work immediately after compulsory education (79.8%). These data will have to be checked against the preview of  422,000 jobs lost due to Covid-19, which include 190,000 self-employed persons and 232,000 employees in the private sector.
Repair and reuse are perceived as the sector with the greatest potential for development in the near future, taking also in consideration the increase in both franchising and small businesses that focus on the 'second hand' market.
"The labour market is increasingly in need of green skills. This is confirmed by the numbers” affirms Lorenzo Barucca, head of the economics department of Legambiente . “Circular processes are an important dynamic to revitalize the economy, generate jobs and include people in marginalized conditions. We are convinced that the path of 'circular inclusion' can represent a healthy recipe for economic development that seeks a green relaunch of key sectors including tourism, mobility, catering, energy and waste".

Foto by Lisa Fotios from Pexels