Build Heat aims to elaborate a set of reliable, energy efficient and affordable retrofit solutions for multifamily houses, which execution is facilitated by industrialised, modular and flexible HVAC, façade and ICT systems made available on the market. Despite the affordability, innovative solutions are more expensive compared to off the shelf ones. BuildHeat aims to leverage private and public investments by aggregating customers into energy efficient communities that are attractive to large investors, thus promoting retrofit actions at quarter level.


The EDI-Net (Energy Data Innovation Network) initiative analyses and communicates sub-hourly electricity, gas and water smart meter data to identify waste and savings opportunities, reduce consumption and save money. The initiative is aimed at public authorities’ decision makers, financial planners, energy and building managers and building users. An online forum and workshops facilitate the sharing of knowledge, experiences and best practices to support public authorities during the implementation of their sustainable energy and climate action plans.

EDI-Net Website:

Municipalities join efforts for sustainable and concrete energy solutions 

PEACE-ALPS tackles the problems related to the implementation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) or any other energy concept already endorsed by Local Authorities in the Alpine Space Area by developing concrete actions with an inter-municipal approach. A bottom-up process ensures a focus on the needs of municipalities right from the start, and centralized solutions make implementations more efficient and enable economies of scales.


PEACE_Alps leaflet

RoadMapsForEnergy is a H2020 program funded project that aims to create a roadmap for each of the following 3 “Smart” areas: buildings, mobility and urban spaces. These roadmaps contain specific projects, consistent with the city strategy, structured within a timeline, and with the necessary political commitment. The project is following an innovative methodology based on participatory “workshops”, which involve policy makers, municipal technicians and experts, private companies, leading organizations and associations.



Opti-Trans - Optimisation of Public Transport Policies for Green Mobility - Across Europe transport accounts for about 20 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions. Nearly half of them are related to passenger transport. To reduce the carbon footprint of mobility, public transport especially in rural and suburban areashas to be strengthened and bottlenecks in public transport networks have to be reduced. Currently a number of remarkable new trends and developments characterize the transport marked. For the public transport system, this creates unique opportunities for a change in the choice of transport and to strengthen its marked position.  


ChArGED (CleAnweb Gamified Energy Disaggregation) addresses the energy consumption in public buildings and proposes a framework that aims to facilitate achieving greater energy efficiency and reductions of wasted energy in public buildings. The framework leverages IoT enabled, low-cost devices (NFC or iBeacons) to improve energy disaggregation mechanisms that provide energy use and -consequently- wastages at the device, area and end user level. These wastages are targeted by a gamified application that feeds personalized real-time recommendations to each individual end user. The design of the game follows a cleanweb approach and implements a novel social innovation process that is designed based on human inceptives factors and helps users to understand the environmental implications of their actions and adopt a greener, more active and responsible behaviour. Efficient energy use renders its consumption predictable and this is exploited by the ChArGED gamified application to optimize use of the micro-generated energy.


ENERJ (Joint Actions for Energy Efficiency) is an Interreg MED modular project and aims at enhancing and improving the coordination of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP’s) and other relevant energy Efficiency Plans. The project will develop and test a technologically oriented methodology for increasing cooperation among public authorities through Joint Actions transferring the most promising methods in the partner regions. Eleven partners in nine countries are collecting energy data of public buildings in a database in order to identify possible joint actions. The project will train Joint Actions Coordinators that will facilitate their implementation.
