At the Federation of Towns and Provinces of Andalusia (FAMP) we continue to develop our first Pilot Action: The Andalusian Energy Network REDEMA.
As the IT developers continue to build the web platform for its launch at the end of January 2021, its mainframe is already undergoing testing. Basic data for almost 91 buildings owned by Andalusian municipalities have been uploaded, out of an original pool of 118 available datasets, which have been extracted out of existing official Energy Certificates. These buildings have been selected after discarding a number of them which held incomplete of inadequate information, a process which already has established a standard for the data entry needs of the platform.
These basic features of the buildings have been included in the database, in order to try out the platform’s data structure and perform some of its basic operations. Testing will continue during January, both regarding its data structure and the user interfaces. During the process, all aspects of the platform will be fine-tuned for its final test runs and its presentation to stakeholders in February.