In Year 2 TANIA Project Stakeholders (TPS) use interregional and regional exchange to Merge Expertise, thus to identifying practical policy solutions to nanoremediation challenges. Moreover, during TANIA Exchange Event 3 (November 2017) partners expressed interest in spending some time discussing each Policy Instrument addressed within the project. In this way, they can begin to link knowledge and solutions to the practical changes that could potentially be made to their Policy.
TANIA Exchange Event 4 invite partners and stakeholders to participate in a series of interactive sessions to:

  • Get to know the policy context for (nano)remediation;
  • Understand the solutions proposed (gathered prior to the meeting using Solution Template), with a focus on elements that could be transferred from one region to another to address their (nano)remediation challenges;
  • See practical examples on novel remediation techniques in the Päijät-Häme region.

Partners will also participate in the Steering Committee meeting, addressing Communication and Management related activities.