In Semester 4 TANIA Project Stakeholders (TPS) continue to use interregional and regional exchange to Merge Expertise, thus to deepening identified practical policy solutions to (nano)remediation challenges and to undertaking a Gap Analysis to recognise eventual missing points.

To carry on Action Plan development, building on work initiated during TEE4, partners estimate means of addressing identified Policy Needs to attain desired Policy Improvements. Solutions owned within and outside the consortium are discussed to set up potential transfer. Moreover, during TANIA Exchange Event 4 (May 2018) partners asked for a project development session aimed at examining potential call for proposals to unfold TANIA findings.

TANIA Exchange Event 5 convenes partners and stakeholders to participate in a series of interactive sessions to:

  • Address and deepen the solutions proposed (shared prior to the meeting through the Solutions Template - Section 3), and proceed with Gap Analysis to organise bilateral exchange Work Plan for transfer;
  • Compare content for Action Plan development;
  • See practical examples on novel remediation techniques in the Region of Crete.

Partners will also participate in the Steering Committee meeting, addressing Communication and Management related activities.