On the 27th of November 2019, a relevant event was held in Heraklion in order to present the TANIA project findings and the Region of Crete’s Action Plan. On this event, presentations were made from regional stakeholders (TUC and Hylicon SA) and from experts on the field on (nano)remediation. The TANIA results for the Region of Crete (RoC) was presented along with Good Practices that were of interest for the RoC and the Regional Action plan.

At the second half of the event, a workshop took place on the ‘Dynamics and Perspectives for the Development of innovative techniques for remediation of contaminated soil and water in Crete and the Role of the Region’. The findings of the workshop will be used in a proposal for the Inclusion of the Remediation Sector in the forthcoming revision of the Regional Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3Crete) which comprises the 2nd Action of our AP.

For this particular event and for the forthcoming ones, Crete Region decided to create a flyer to be distributed. The document, consultable herereports both the aims of the project and the different actions that the region of Crete has identified and intends to undertake after the end of phase 1 and the beginning of phase 2, then the implementation of its regional action plan.

Here below some pictures taken during the event.