On December 14th and 15th, the Basque Country received a visit from the regions of Almere (The Netherlands) and Lower Silesia (Poland) to learn in depth some of the Good Practices developed in Euskadi.

On the first day of the visit, partners from the city of Almere and the Polish región of Lower Silesia, hosted by BIOEF, visited the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation, where the M4FUTURE program was shown. A new corporate innovation model based on the interrelation, cooperation and the Exchange of knowledge within the cooperative corporation, integrating in a single environment the corporate agents of knowledge. Its aim is to develop an integrated ecosystem of innovation, promotion and knowledge. During the afternoon, they visited the University of the Basque Country EHU-UPV in order to Exchange initiatives developed by the city of Almere.

The second day was dedicated to the "Euskadi Lagunkoia / Age Friendly Basque Country" Good Practice. Promoted by the Department of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government and managed by the Matia Foundation, it seeks to achieve friendly environments for the elderly. Accessible environments and adapted to the different needs and capacities of individuals, with the participation of the elderly and citizens in general.