Steering Committee Meeting 29 June 2022

1. Opening and welcome

Welcome to the partners in Groningen and the partners online.

2. Preparation of a high-level event in semester 9 in Brussels

3. Attention for filling ioLF new report semester 7+8

Reporting of semester 7 and 8, which is one year, phase 2.

4. Progress in monitoring implementation of Regional Action Plans

What is going well and what are the obstacles, each partner 10-20 minutes

1. University of Bremen, Institute Labour and Economy (IAW), Germany

There should be more transparent monitoring of what we have learned. Bremen recommends that it would be good an helpful to have a monitoring system.

2. North-East Regional Development Agency, NERDA, Romania

3. Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology, MITA, Lithuania

4. The Baltic Institute of Finland, BIF, Finland

5. Province of West-Flanders, Belgium

The Innovation Infrastructures West Vlaanderen platform tool was shown. A business card with QR code has been developed, which gives easy access to the tool.

6. Business Innovation Center of Albacete, BIC, Spain

7. Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, The Netherlands

5. Ambition for the future

In the afternoon, the partners discussed the ambition for the future.

6. Closing

Partner Meeting 30 June 2022

1. Opening and welcome

Welcome to the partners in Groningen and the partners online.

2. Follow-up from yesterday

• We want to send a message about conclusions from the TraCS3 project to the responsible persons in Brussels.

• We have outcomes of TraCS3 with regards the common work we did and common understandings we built up. Therefore it is wise to bring stakeholders to Brussels (political level, educational level, regional level stakeholders). It is up to the partners who they want to bring. It is stated in the budget how much money is assigned for the event in Brussel.

• Collaboration within TraCS3 and other projects: discuss the possibilities of working together from region to region. Other regions outside the TraCS3 project can be invited as well.

3. New application / follow-up project

A presentation was given about the discussions of yesterday afternoon. A report will be written. Look into working together in the future. Funded by regional money or European funding.

Based on infrastructures, eco-systems.

The project group sees much more value in the collaboration than the TraCS3 project alone.

4. Closing

Willem closes the meeting and wishes everyone safe travels.