Yesterday the 24th of February, TraCS3 partners met online for another project meeting. It was necessary to meet again due to the pandemic and some internal challenges that they were facing.

Partners were delighted to see each other again virtually. The pandemic has decreased the contact they had with each other. Some of the planned meetings have been postponed and might take place online instead of physically.

However, partners still continue to look for solutions to share their knowledge and regional experiences. The suggestion now is to start preparing good practices per region and an action plan which can later be shared and discussed with each other. A meeting later in June will be focused on the content of the project and the discussion of good practices to continue to learn from each other. The partners are going to plan meetings more frequently to stay in touch and be on top of the project developments and goals.

The next online meeting will be at the end of March. Hopefully partners will have at least one physical meeting before the end of the project.