On Tuesday the 30th of March 2021 the TraCS3-partners had an online partner meeting to discuss the financial situation and forecast, upcoming partner meetings, Regional Action Plans and the fifth call for Interreg Europe. All 7 partners from The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Romania, Lithuania, Finland and Spain were present during the meeting. The agenda of the meeting was as follows:

  • Welcome and introduction new members
  • Extension phase 1: financial situation and forecast
  • Upcoming meetings: Romania, Lithuania and Spain
  • Regional Action Plans
  • Fifth call Interreg Europe
  • Wrap up and closing

During the meeting, the partners spoke more specifically about the budgets for each partner institute and partners could plan a 1:1 with the financial controller for some more specific advise. These 1:1 meetings were planned for the 31st of March and the 6th of April.

Furthermore, the upcoming meetings were discussed. Due to the pandemic, it would still be not likely to travel before the summer holiday, even afterwards will be doubtful. Probably, the planned meetings in Romania, Lithuania and Spain will be held online.

We also discussed the Regional Action Plans in this meeting. Especially about the content of the action plans and about what it is supposed to look like. The Action Plans per region (so far) have been shared with each other too. Moreover, the process of the 5th call for Interreg Europe was examined. Partners were all participating very actively and contributed very well.

Additionally, partners discussed the actions for the remaining of semester 6 and semester 7. Those entail subjects such as: organizing regional stakeholders groups meetings, sharing good practices, organizing regional dissemination events, writing press releases, organizing steering committee meetings, publishing and distributing newsletters, present (online) at an external event and writing the progress report.