Study visit of Hungarian partner Csongrád-Csanád Megyei Önkormányzat with stakeholders from Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Csongrád-Csanád County, was organised in Florence and Arezzo (IT) at the beginning of May. Hungarian delegation had the chance during the study visit to examine in depth the Catalogue for digital innovation and the related voucher scheme from visited region. 

Accio 4.0 and the Catalogue for digital innovation and the related voucher scheme has been identified during the “original” implementation period of the TRINNO project, and further developed in the extended project period. This is a relevant Good Practice for the Economic Development Zone and the Chamber of Commerce from Hungary as they are regional / territorial bodies in Hungary, being responsible for economic development. Tuscany region also plays a similar role in Italy. Also the catalogue and the voucher scheme in Tuscany is implemented from regionally dedicated EU financial resources that the region can spend on direct economic development. In Hungary, they also have territorial dedicated EU funds (Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme, acronym: TOP), but those are mainly spent on development of municipalities and not on direct economic development. And last but not least Chamber of Commerce has several projects focusing on building economic ecosystem in the region and to help enterprises to deal with digital challenges. They could be interested in implementing a project like they did in Tuscany.