To enhance the learning at organisational level, Peer Review visits will be carried out. A delegation of senior staff from one organisation will visit another organisation of another region, to review analyses in detail and provide feedback on the policies relating to the adoption of Industrial Symbiosis by SME's in the visited region.

Policies including: special waste and landfill regulations ,incentives and funding, regulations at value chain and cluster levels. This essence of this exercise is to inspire the visiting delegations to provide an Action Plan and offer a fresh look at the shortcomings of existing policies already in place to the host organisation. 

Once the findings have been explored and identified, the delegation or individual will report back to their organisation, to prepare a successful Action Plan, outlining a comprehensive understanding of the Industrial Symbiosis topic and methodology at project level. 

TRIS will validate the Action Plan on quality and feasibility, in terms of consistency, objectives, justification of possible digression, contribution of mutual learning, durability of the actions.