The first day was focused on technology application. The exchange started with a visit to the two venues that AIDIMME has in Paterna. All the laboratories were visited, as well as the materials library. Regarding the technical aspects, three LIFE projects were introduced (Life Empore, LIFE2Acid and LIFE in Brief). After the lectures, LIFE in Brief site was visited, the project prototype, located in Vall d’Uixó, consists of a Biogas Plan where actions are being taken in order to transform waste in fertilizers.

During the second day, the Valencian Network of Technical Institutes (REDIT) was visited. In REDIT, the Enterprise Europe Network (SEIMED) was showed. SEIMED is a network to help SMEs develop their full potential and innovative capacity through internationalization, technology transfer and access to finance.

Back in AIDIMME, another environmental project, REMAKE, was explained. REMAKE was an European project that, among other actions, included eco-innovation vouchers for helping SMEs in taking eco-efficiency actions through innovation. At the end of the lecture, TRIS approach at the Comunitat Valenciana was summarised.

Finally, an Industrial Urban Water treatment facility was visited. In that company, some projects related with energy recovery from waste were shown.

During the third day the IVACE site (the other TRIS Valencian Partner) was visit. In this part the thematic areas in the IVACE that match the objectives of the TRIS project were shown, such as:

 Research and innovation programmes

 Energy and industrial areas

 Waste strategy and main actions. Sectorial and geographic view.

Lessons learnt were:-

A – Utility and activities of technological centres and their network in the Valencia region

B – Correspondence between different projects

C – Good examples for research and innovation programs for SMEs

D – Industrial parks and their scopes