18th June 2018 - Day one

AIDIMME will present a brief presentation on a Sustainability-related activity. Followed by presentations on diagnose and information tools by AIDIMME & Regional Ministry for Environment. 

In the afternoon Sharebox ITC, Surplus Mall, MatMap and Byproduct Stock Exchange, will discuss matchmaking and e-cooperation tools. 

This will lead into a study site visit, looking at the recycling of electronic screens with Beniparrell. 

19th June 2018 - Day two

The meeting will take place at: IVACE, Ciutat Administrativa 9 d'Octubre - Tower 2 , C/ de la Democràcia, 77 (formerly Castán Tobeñas) , Access by C/ Nou d'Octubre, 46018 - Valencia. 

A study visit has been arranged to the LIFE in Brief site, looking at companies benefiting from transforming waste fertilisers at a Biogas plant. 

Followed by discussions about TRIS Project, and a presentation of the action plans. 

Registration purposes -more details here