Circular economy- where everyone wins was the title of the event held on 29 March 2019.
The day began with an IS local lab meeting for members of the advisory committee with the final action plan presented by IFKA and HOI Non profit Ltd., followed by a report about the TRIS project meeting held in Birmingham.
After the closed session a big dissemination event took place at the end of phase 1 of TRIS at HOI conference centre with close to 70 participants, starting with an introduction of the main achievements within TRIS, then basic information on green public purchasing. Later good practices were shared by three companies participating in TRIS with different scope of activities. During the afternoon session financial possibilities were displayed by various players within the sector, and last but not least a world café session took place where participants could share their views about possibilities to enhance circular economy in a broader sense but also on a personal level.
All in all the conference turned out to be a very successful according to the satisfaction survey gathered at the end of the event.