Circular Economy Platform was established last November in Hungary as an initiative of the Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary (BCSDH), the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MIT).

IFKA has also joined to the initiative acknowledging that a shift to a circular economy represents great business opportunities. The platform’s most urgent activity was to create a survey to assess the situation and development opportunities of the circular economy and the business opportunities involved in implementing the model. IFKA actively participated in the preparation of the survey, proposing suggestions to the structure of it. Members of the platform publicized the questionnaire in order to reach the companies and to complete it as widely as possible.

Results of the survey were presented on 28th November 2019 at Circular Economy Summit. The survey confirmed that, as of today, most companies still identify the circular economy with waste management. There is a need to share knowledge and to present good practices and business solutions. The interviewees themselves confirmed that cooperation, knowledge sharing and government incentives are needed to get the model change started and gain more space. The identified – both national and international - good practices within TRIS project could offer a good base to provide solutions to these needs.

As part of the Hungarian action plan dissemination forms a relevant issue, IFKA will further support similar cooperation and initiatives and grab for every opportunity to present the results and key findings achieved and identified within TRIS.