Export and international market activities and the defined and improved policy measures were shocked by the lock-downs caused by COVID-19. It significantly impacted the internationalization in various ways. Transportation was hurdled and became hardly predictable, costumers and consumers changed their purchasing and consumption habits drastically, local versus global trade faced an unprecedented dilemma, and local sourcing and green supply chain have come to the forefront of thinking.

UpGradeSME consortium deals with SME internationalization policies with special attention to the COVID-19 effects on SME export and policy solutions. The consortium partners invited experts from Europe representing their point of view and the results of investigation focusing of SME actions and policy responses.

Our aim is the share of experience and the common learning.


  • TITLE: SME internationalization perspectives in the pandemic | An international learning event
  • Invited speakers: experts representing INTERREG EUROPE projects and Local initiatives from Central Europe
  • DATE: 31st MARCH 2022 
  • Time slot: 13.00 – 15.00
  • VENUE: ZOOM meeting room
  • Number of participants: maximum 100 participants

AGENDA will be published in the coming days. If you are interested, please save the date!

UpGradeSME Consortium

Contact: Mrs Andrea Enyingi-Kurucz ([email protected]