Over the past four years, the Interreg Europe VIOLET "preserVe tradItiOnal buiLdings through Energy reducTion" project has brought together five regions & one expert advisory partner to address the common challenge to create a building culture that is sympathetic to modern requirements for improved energy usage & reduced carbon emissions in traditional buildings—without endangering architectural heritage.

Throughout the project and through interregional exchange, each region has contributed to the main output of the project: an action plan describing the policy actions required to improve energy efficiency in traditional buildings. Some partners have already begun implementing some actions, using own resources. In parallel, partners define recommendations for the EU level recast Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).

During the digital Final Conference of the Interreg Europe VIOLET project, participants will learn from the experiences of project partners, in addition to hearing about the results and impact of the project.

Registration for the online event is free yet mandatory for participation.

To download the Conference Agenda please follow this link.