Cyprus Energy Agency has published an informative video for raising awareness on the energy efficiency of heritage buildings as part of their regional communication and dissemination strategy for VIOLET. English subtitles have been added so the video can be distributed also on the European level.

A key message communicated through the video: "By improving the energy efficiency of heritage buildings, we mitigate greenhouse gas emissions...In the case of heritage buildings in particular, we contribute to their preservation and continued use, lessening the need to build new buildings."

For more information, watch the full engaging video by our partners at Cyprus Energy

Cyprus Energy Agency Awareness Video

The Interreg Europe VIOLET "preserVe tradItiOnal buiLdings through Energy reducTion" project has brought together five regions & one expert advisory partner to address the common challenge to create a building culture that is sympathetic to modern requirements for improved energy usage & reduced carbon emissions in traditional buildings—without endangering architectural heritage.