Discover innovative methods of enhancement and development of the historical, natural and cultural water-linked heritage. Take part in the WaVE Festival to explore opportunities and synergies for urban regeneration through the enhancement of water-linked heritage.

The appointment with the WaVE Festival is for Wednesday 28th October from 10:00 to 13:00 on the digital platform Zoom.  

>> Sign up to join the meeting:

The event will see the active participation of the stakeholders of the 5 territories involved in the project (The Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Hungary and Italy) who will have the opportunity to discuss best practices, skills, ongoing projects and case studies related to the enhancement of water-linked sites. 

>> Discover the agenda of the WaVE Festival  

Opening the event we will have the pleasure to have as keynote speaker
Adriaan Geuze - Director of West 8 - who will talk about the revalidation of the relationship water and heritage in an international perspective, with specific reference to challenges facing the city of breda (Lead Partner of the project).  

Adriaan Geuze has over 35 years of experience as a landscape architect and is the founder and director of the three branches of West 8 in Rotterdam, New York and Brussels. Geuze is internationally acclaimed for his pioneering urban development, landscape and infrastructure projects. He has extensive experience in directing international teams on projects worldwide. Under his leadership, West 8 worked on a staggering 1200 designs, visions and strategies. Many of them are the result of major international design competitions, including Governors Island in New York, Madrid Rio, Yongsan Park in Seoul and the waterfront of Toronto in Canada. In 2012 Geuze was appointed Special Professor of Landscape Architecture at Wageningen University and Research, a position he holds to this day. 

©Ed Lonnee

Don’t miss the opportunity to listen to the next challenges of urban regeneration, we are waiting for you.