The Regionaal Landschap Kempen and Maasland wanted to develop a methodology to draw up sustainable business models for entrepreneurs in the tourism and agribusiness sector in a participatory way. These sustainable business models had to contribute positively to the wildlife economy of the GrensPark Kempen~Broek, the RivierPark Maasvallei and the Hoge Kempen National Park. Central to the sustainable business models to be developed must be economic activities which on balance make a positive contribution to nature and/or the community without (permanently) affecting the natural or cultural value of the area, or they must be forms of value creation in the ecological and/or social and/or cultural domain with economic effects. They collaborated with BUAS, the Breda University of Applied Sciences to execute these business models and organized 3 workshops during which various stakeholders in the regions were trained in a so called 'train the trainer' program. The stakeholders learned the in and outs of the business models so they can teach the methodology to entrepeneurs in their network. The first workshop was held in person, the two others were online because of covid restrictions.