The discussion began on the issue of European territorial cooperation in the programming period 2014-2020. After the Institutional greetings, the lawyer Mario Ialenti, Head of Molise Region Office of European Territorial Cooperation, has opened the proceedings by introducing ZEROCO2 project, granted in the framework of INTERREG EUROPE Programme 2014-2020.
About the activities of the project foreseen in the second semester and regarding the Interregional Event and study visit scheduled from 14 to 15 March 2017 in Molise, a presentation was made by Mrs. Clea Zurlo, Project manager of the project for Molise Region. Stakeholders showed their interest in this opportunity to know other best practices and to share methods and policies about energy efficiency, coming from other European Countries.
Subsequently the Engineer Pierluigi Pace, of Energy Policies Programming Office of Molise Region, presented the Molise Regional Policy Report and showed a short presentation about the REEP (Regional Environmental Energy Plan).
Mr. Pace gave the floor to Mr. Martino and Mr. Massarella for the presentation of the following Case studies:
1.Interventions to improve energy efficiency of office buildings;
2. Best practice: the school gym of Ripalimosani (province of Campobasso)
The Eng. Leone Martino, Territorial delegate of Italian Association of Air Conditioning Heating & Refrigeration Molise , spoke about energy efficiency interventions of public buildings, in particular he presented the best practice: New regional headquarters FIGC Molise, using slide with pictures and technical explanations and he showed a video presentation about the location of the plant before and after the renovation work.
After Mr. Martino presentation, Eng. Ferdinando Massarella took the floor. He, as designer of installations of the school gym of Ripalimosani, showed the energy efficiency system carried out in the building, explaining technically the geothermal low enthalpy system. After the two presentations, some technical questions about energy efficiency systems introduced were asked by the stakeholders present at the event to the two engineers, who promptly answered.
Mrs. Sandra Scarlatelli, Director of Energy Policies Programming Office of Molise Region, summarizing the findings emerging from the interventions of the day, took the opportunity to explain to the audience that the two best practices, presented during the local event, will be the sites of interest in the next study visit. Mrs. Scarlatelli, considering the interest showed during the meeting, invited the present stakeholders to participate in the study visit.