Cooperation, collaboration and making an impact with public resources. This was the order of the day last week for 14 Interreg Europe projects working on the Low Carbon economy.   

They met up in the magnificent city of Florence for the “Interregional Cooperation for Energy Transition” event, on 27th June 2018.   

The 80 attendees took part in a series of workshops, looking at energy transition from the point of view of users, resources and external factors. At the heart of the event, was a Business Case pitch from each of the 14 projects, presenting their approaches towards Energy Transition. Participants competed, listened, learned and voted for a winner. 

MOLOC – Low carbon urban morphologies, presented by Aurélien Parsy (City of Lille), was awarded the first prize, with its 3-step solution to finance energetic renovation of public buildings. Their methodology includes better energy management systems, training of energy janitors and an innovative funding methodology.

REBUS – Renovation for Energy efficient BUildingS came in at second place, while BUILD2LC – Boosting Low Carbon Innovative Building Rehabilitation in European Regions ranked third.   

This competition showcased work carried out by 98 European regions, thanks to the Interreg Europe programme. The total budget represented by the invited projects amounted to more than 22 million euro.

Resolvo, event organisers and animators, supported by EIfI, would like to send a special thanks to everyone that helped to make this event a success, to the speakers, to the expert moderators (Olly Frankland, Katharina Krell, Chris Ashe, Ian Bloomfield) and to EIfI – European Institute for Innovation.   

A full report of the event and the presentation delivered by speakers will be available soon!