On 12th and 13th March 2019, a partner meeting of the ZEROCO2 project, was successfully held in Kaunas in Lithuania. The meeting was hosted by the project partner Municipality of Kaunas. 

The partner meeting started with a welcome speech and introduction to the agenda by the host partner – Kaunas District Municipality. The warm welcome by Kaunas District Municipality was followed by a presentation held by Kestutis Navickas (Institute of Energy and Biotechnology Engineering). Navickas presented the current state of renewable energy and energy saving in Lithuania and Kaunas District. 

The introductory presentations were followed by the main part of the meeting - implementation of action plans. Each partner briefly presented the progress of the implementation process of Action Plans in their region and the achievements in the 1st of the second phase. Some encouraging and great successes of implemented actions have been presented. 

At the Steering group meeting partners discussed about the reporting procedures at the end of the project, communication and dissemination activities and planned the final high level dissemination event that will be held this September in Marseille.