On October 11th, 2022, Ville et Aménagement Durable (VAD) brought together twenty-seven players in the construction and reuse sectors to discuss the implementation of the PEMD diagnosis, which is a prerequisite, in France, for any significant demolition or rehabilitation of buildings.

The PEMD, made compulsory by the French AGEC law (anti-waste for a circular economy) from January 1st, 2022, aims to facilitate and democratize the reuse of building materials resulting from the demolition or significant renovation of buildings. It allows to determine the nature, quantity and location of construction materials and products that will generate wastes to be evacuated and eventually recycled.

As part of its "co'Réemploi" working group (created in February 2020, it has 118 members and meets four to five times a year), the Ville et Aménagement Durable (VAD) association brought together 27 building industry players in Lyon on October 11th to discuss this new diagnosis obligation and collectively identify good practices, as well as areas for attention.

The CSTB (Scientific and technical center for buildings) announced the creation of a platform bringing together all the generated PEMDs. This platform will display feedback from project owners and monitoring of the proper application of the law. It should be operational in the first quarter of 2023.

In addition to this platform, it was also discussed to complete the diagnosis tool with a project management assistance mission on reuse. The aim is to provide expertise and enable the production of resource sheets and additional studies on feasibility and logistics, as well as decision support tools to prioritize reuse actions.

This working group has been led by VAD since 2020. The next meeting will be held in December on the issue of Extended producer responsibility for construction waste, introduced by the French AGEC law on January 1st, 2023.

(image copyright: VAD)