The meeting in Riga Technical University was organized for representatives of Latvian water and wastewater works association (LŪKA ). During the meeting was presented concept of Critical Mass Development model (CMDM) approach for water technology developed by WETSUS.  Some first figures of local data for CMDM were presented.

In addition Latvian stakeholders were familiarized with triple-helix cooperation in WETSUS.

Latvian stakeholders discussed about human development and lifelong learning issues.

In the meeting were discussed main challenges in water industry in country level relevant for municipal companies responsible for provision of the service for drinking water treatment/supply and sewerage collection and wastewater treatment.

The outcome of the stakeholder meeting was definition of sewage sludge disposal issue as a main challenges for municipal companies (Figure).

Figure. The challenges for municipal companies in Latvia responsible for water supply and wastewater treatment. The data shown in % from the answers of 18 Latvian water and wastewater works association members. 45% respondents mentioned sludge disposal as a main challenge.