The 2LIFES Final Dissemination Event, held on 28th February 2023 in Gijón, Spain, proved to be an important and engaging conference. Hosted at the Gijón Aquarium and streamed live on Zoom, the event attracted participants from various regions and showcased the culmination of the 2LIFES Project.

The conference commenced with opening remarks from Nieves Roqueñí, Vice Councilor for the Environment of the Principado de Asturias Government, and Ana González, Gijón Major. Jasón Martínez provided insights into the Interreg Europe program, emphasizing its current status and future prospects.

Marisa Sebastián, the 2LIFES Coordination, presented an overview of the project to the attending audience. Following this, Oscar Planells from RREUSE delved into the main European policies affecting re-use and highlighted noteworthy good practices discovered during the project's collaboration.

The latter part of the event centered on the discussion of Action Plans and remarkable policy achievements. Partners from different countries shared their experiences, covering diverse topics such as the reuse of building materials in Aarhus (Denmark), the development of Reuse and Repair Centers in Cyprus, and the implementation of the New Swop Box and GreenTeen Program in Veszprém (Hungary), among others. These presentations fostered knowledge exchange and inspired attendees with innovative approaches to reusing products.

Concluding the event, the day continued with study visits to Panduru, a company focused on transforming surplus bakery items into delectable pastries, and Mar de Niebla, a NGO dedicated to supporting socially disadvantaged individuals in Gijón's industrial area.

The following day, on March 1st, the Partners Meeting and Monitoring of the Action Plans took place. Representatives from the six partner regions gathered to review and assess the implementation of their respective Action Plans. The agenda encompassed a comprehensive evaluation of the 2LIFES Final Event, a follow-up on the action plans' progress, a Last Steering Committee session to prepare for the project's closure, and study visits to various spaces in Gijón.

The study visits included the presentation of the Reusapp space, showcasing the Gijón Action Plan implementation, and a visit to the local Riquirraque EMAÚS social enterprise. Additionally, the Pay-As-You-Throw Pilot Project was presented, further contributing to the diverse exchange of ideas and experiences.

In conclusion, the 2LIFES Final Dissemination Event and subsequent Partners Meeting provided an invaluable platform for presenting the final results, sharing knowledge and exploring successful practices.