The first meeting with Tuscan regional stakeholders was held on 4 December in Florence at the headquarters of the Region of Tuscany (P7). The meeting was attended by about twenty stakeholders representing the majority of stakeholders actually interested in the 40Ready project in Tuscany. In particular, representatives of:

  • Higher Technical Institutes such as "Prime" and "Vita": They refer to Mechanics, Automation and Lifescience sectors, all of which are key areas of application for I4.0
  • Members of the Tripartite Permanent Regional Commission that is a long-lasting working group for the comparison between trade associations, workers' unions and the Tuscany Region
  • Confindustria and CNA meaning that associations of manufacturing companies, services and managers of trade, transport, tourism, advanced services in the Tuscan region.
  • Centre of competence “ARTES 4.0” which is aimed at providing partners and industry (in particular SMEs) with dedicated technologies and services to meet their needs through orientation activities, training, innovation projects, industrial research and experimental development
  • Irpet that is the Regional Committee for Economic Planning of Tuscany. The main purpose is to carry out preliminary studies for the Region of Tuscany

The participants have been explained in detail what the Interreg programme is and what it wants to produce. After this introductory moment, the 40Ready project, its objectives and the modalities of involvement required from the stakeholders were presented. It was explained that within the first phase, the project foresees the parallel activation of discussion tables with local actors in each of the partner regions for an analysis of the regional policies for training 4.0 and their degree of success. It was stressed that as a first fundamental step it is necessary to identify the tools and skills needed for SMEs to be an active part of the 4.0 revolution. To this end, emphasis was placed on how useful it is to involve qualified experts in the process who can offer ideas and added value to the discussion, collect opinions (focus groups) on the needs for skills and 4.0 training of entrepreneurs, workers and young people in Tuscany and finally share the objectives of the working table in order to better define what will be the next appointments in which Tuscan stakeholders will be involved.

Among the various issues raised during the comparison, new shared themes emerged on possible good practices of interest of other countries on which the Tuscan context could be interested. In particular, the reference is to the training of trainers and reverse mentoring.

Below, pictures taken during the event.