As a first concrete initiative to support Ligurian businesses for the Covid-19 emergency, the Liguria Region has approved the activation of a "Covid-19 Emergency" Guarantee Fund to support the Circulating Fund in favor of Micro and Small Tourism Enterprises, Commerce and Crafts.

The Fund has a financial endowment of € 5.5 million and operates as a direct guarantee of the loan granted by a partner bank or by providing a counter-guarantee to a partner Confidi which guarantees the loan.

The affiliated banks will be able to provide loans to support working capital for an amount between € 10,000 and € 30,000, with 12-month pre-amortization and amortization duration of between 24 and 72 months.

Admission to the benefits of the Guarantee Fund allows:

  • the activation of a direct guarantee up to 80% of the loan granted by an Affiliated Bank, or
  • the granting of a counter-guarantee, always in the amount of 80%, to a guarantee issued by a Confidi Affiliated for a loan granted by an Affiliated Bank.

The application must be submitted using the bandionLine platform, from April 10, 2020 until September 30, 2020.

You can find more info at the following link (italian only):