In April 2013 ‘The Regional Innovation Strategy for the Lodzkie Region’ (LORIS) 2030 was constituted. This document was a breakthrough in the process of supporting the development of innovativeness in region. The goal of this document is to create regional smart specializations and to show the capability for increasing the socio-economic potential of creation, diffusion and demand for innovation, taking into account the coherence with the state strategic documents.  

The authors also assumed a necessity of increasing the position in Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2012 from “Poor innovator – medium level” to „Moderate innovator – medium level” until 2030. In this document the regional innovation system composed of „quadruple helix” entities was created. However, during this time, the concept  of EDP was not taken into consideration.  

In 2015, as regard to the possibility of realizing the assumptions of RSI LORIS, in a new documents were created – Sectoral Policies for every regional specializations. These are strategic documents containing proposals of projects that allow the development of each of the regional specializations. This was a breakthrough in this area, because it`s a result of cooperation between public authorities, entrepreneurs, research institutions, academia and business environment institutions. It is important that projects included in ‘Sectoral Policies’ respond to the needs that entrepreneurs identify during their work.

To develop cooperation with entrepreneurs in the frame of the EDP, ‘Forums of the Inspirations events’ were organized in 2015 and 2016. Moderated workshop sessions preceded by a series of lectures and project presentations. Aimed to choose the best projects by areas of six industries serving in the Lodzkie Region as Regional Intelligent Specializations. The main goal of the Forums was the development of permanent forms of cooperation and enabling the development of innovativeness and competitiveness regional market.

On the 8th of March 2016, the Council of the Innovation, composed of maximum 60 persons, was constituted. Majority of the Council represents the most innovative entrepreneurs in the region. This entity performs consultative and advisory functions in the realization of assumptions of the RIS3 concept.

At the end of 2016, the Centre of the Business Innovation started its activity. These are business environment institutions located in seven areas of the Lodzkie Region. In each of the Centers two advisors are employed, which are responsible for initiating and implementing business support activities in field of innovation (with special focus on SMEs in the area of regional smart specialization). The advisor`s tasks consist of a direct contact with entrepreneurs, analyze their needs for innovative development opportunities, and helps them to find and select the partner who will deliver the innovative solution that entrepreneurs seek. The advisor`s activity is also to inform the public authorities about the condition of the innovativeness of the regional entrepreneurs and their needs in this area.

In autumn 2017 the Project ‘Lodzkie4business’ will start. It will consist of 4 projects:

  • System of economic information,
  • Office of the foreign trade,
  • Hub of innovation,
  • Biotech advisors. 

The Regional Innovation Strategy will be updated in 2019. All of the indicated projects above are very important sources of knowledge in realizing the strategy based on RIS3 concept. This will allow the Lodzkie Region to develop an improved version of the LORIS 2030.