Two members of the Beyond EDP consortium, Eurada and The Regional Innovation Agency of Centre-Val de Loire Region (ARITT Centre) participated at the first SMARTER Conference on Smart Specialisation and Teritoral Development held in Sevilla (Spain) on 28-30 September. The two Beyond EDP members spoke about the emergence of a new mode of governance (based on the key role the regional development agencies) to facilitate the implementation of the RIS3.

There is still not enough general evidence about the usage of the place based network competences to speed up the adoption of new governance structures by Regional Development Agencies to provide more impact on regional policies. Taking in account their capacities to mobilise stakeholders in their regions, the Regional Development Agencies (RDA’s) are, in their role of coordinators, valuable policy instruments. Since the RDA’s are in close contact with the field and have close coöperation with the ecosystem’s bodies, they are well suited to play the role of missionary. Which means that they carry out an acculturation process on the EDP.

The international SMARTER conference was co-organised by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and the Regional Studies Association. It aimed at taking stock of the smart specialisation experience and assessed its current state of the art, both in terms of conceptual developments and practical implementation.

The presentations of the two Beyond EDP members provided relevant good practices that illustrate the new roles taking over by RDA during the RIS3 design and implementation. You can find the presentations in our website library