During the meeting they exchanged the know-how and the experiences acquired during the learning process activated at project level, sharing impressions about the study visits which took place in March in Abruzzo and in Riga in June.

The meeting has also represented an opportunity to collect stakeholders contributions for the elaboration of the study on the state of the art of the evolution of the situation with regards to the development of biomass for energy use. During the open debate, participants discussed about the current bottlenecks, both from a regulatory and territorial perspective, and the potential of the regional forest heritage. It was proposed to capitalize on knowledge available at regional level through an interdepartmental cooperation; to consider all aspects which may represent a bottleneck; to make a sociological analysis of the businesses working in the biomass sector, in order to show gaps in the region.

The cooperation among regional departments and key stakeholders represents a precious opportunity to have a clear and concrete framework, which will be the basis for the definition of a Local Action Plan able to identify tools and actions aimed at producing real changes in bio-economy regional policies.