On March, 14th and 15th the BIO4ECO partners travelled to Abruzzo Region (Italy) for the second semester study visits. During the visit, attendees had a first-hand experience on integral solutions for bioenergy policies and strategies. The Rural Development and Fisheries Policies Department of Abruzzo Region was in charge of the organization.

As a conclusion, the group agreed that Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) should be actively engaged in developing and implementing regional integrated strategies for bioenergy raising. In addition, governance at regional level should be refreshed through increased interdepartmental coordination and a more proactive approach to mainstream bioenergy development.

It was highlighted how the bioenergy could be an important step in the circular economy through an excellence study case in food industry, as well as the importance of transparency of the data related to air quality and bioenergy emissions, in order to improve social acceptance. Last but not least, bioenergy represents a viable and optimal alternative in rural area and small municipalities.

Study visits, along with thematic workshops and local stakeholder groups meetings, are the cornerstone of the learning process of the BIO4ECO Project. In the Abruzzo Region, there was time for debate and to explain a number of good practices and experiences already underway in the territory.

The BIO4ECO project, funded by the Interreg Europe programme and running for 4 years (April 2016-September 2020), is made up of 10 partners from 8 European countries, and aims to improve regional and national policy processes and policy implementation and delivery addressing the transition to a low carbon economy, in relation with renewable energy use, energy efficiency of building, and forest and agricultural biomass.

Centrale Biomassa Colellongo

Group visiting the Abruzzo Region